Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Peaceful Days.....

Well, the predictions were true. The storm handed us not one, but two snow days. Both kids and mom were happy about the turn of events. It's been a nice couple of days with Allison finishing up her science fair project and Eric getting his pajama days. He only got dressed to go outside once each day and then promptly returned to his "new" lucky pants.*

* For those of you familiar with Eric's terminology -- he no longer considers his original "lucky" pants to be lucky. After he threw up on them, they seemed to have lost their charm. His new "lucky" pants are his red polar bear ones that he got for Christmas.

***As the snow was coming down, Scott had gone out to the garage to take care of some things. He came inside with an impish grin and said, "Boy, am I happy to have a garage!" I have to admit that I am also very thankful for that garage!

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